Treasures of the Faith
Our services contain the eternal treasures of Christian Worship, selected from the Scriptures, and the devotional writings of antiquity.
Agnus Dei This occurs in the Mass and is a Hymn to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, being the three petitions from the Gloria in Excelsis addressed to Jesus as the Lamb of God.
The Angelus This is an arrangement of the Angel's Saluation to the Blessed Virgin in which the "Hail Mary" is said three times with Antiphons.
Benedicite This is used in Matins in Lent and Advent as an alternative for the Te Deum Laudamus, and is the ancient Song of the Three Holy Children, sung by them when in the burning fiery furnace. It tells of all created things praising the God Who made them.
Benedictus This is the Song of Zacharius, in honour of the Coming of Christ. It is sung at Matins. A shortened form of the Benedictus, that used at the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, is sung at the Holy Eucharist as a Song Welcome to Jesus coming in the Blessed Sacrament.
Canon of Consecration This is the most solemn part of the Communion Service, embracing Our Lord's Words of Institution used at the first Eucharist, and containing the necessary form for a valid consecration of the elements to become Christ's Body and Blood. The Canon is considered by many to begin at the Sursum Corda, or "lift up your hearts," and to include all that follows up to the Communion.
Collects These are the short prayers, made up of a number of petitions collected together and said for the people collectively. Many of the Collects are very ancient, and as translated in the Prayer Book are among the most beautiful devotions to be found.
Commandments These are God's Ten Laws given on Mount Sinai, embodying our Duty towards God and our Duty towards our Neighbor.
Creeds These are three forms of the one Creed or Confession of the Faith of the Church. These forms are known as the Apostles', so called because probably that of the Ancient Church of Rome, for the most part composed in the first century, the Nicene, put forth in the fourth century by the Councils of Nicea 325 and Constantinople 381, and the Anthanasian, probably written in France in fifth century. These Creeds are exact delaration of the Scriptual revelation of the Christian Faith.
Epistles These, as found in the Prayer Book, are selections from the writings of Saint Peter, Saint Paul, Saint John, Saint James, and Saint Jude, and such other Scriptures as may be chosen in their place, to read at the Altar Service.
Gospels These are the sacred records of Our Lord's Life and Ministerial Work and Words, as related by Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, and Saint John, selections from which are solemnly read at the Communion Service or the Mass. Special honor is paid to the Gospel.
Gloria in Excelsis This is an expanded form of the Angel's Song sung by them on the morning of the Nativity.
Gradual A few verses of the Psalms sung between the Epistle and Gospel, with an "Alleluia" or "Tract" and at Easter, Whitsunday, Corpus Christi and All Souls, with a "Sequence".
Services contain the great treasures of Christian Worship, selected from the Scriptures, and the devotional writings of antiquity.
The Hail Mary This is the Angelic salutation of Saint Gabriel to Saint Mary the Virgin.
Hymns of the Incarnation These are the Benedictus, the Gloria in Excelsis, the Magnificat, and the Nunc Dimittis, all of which are found in Saint Luke's Gospel, which is often called the Gospel of the Incarnation. It seems most fitting that these New Testament Hymns should have their place in the devotional services of the Church, associated as they are with Our Lord's Nativity.
Introit This is a selection of a few verses of the Psalms sung at the entrance of the Clergy into the Santuary.
Kyrie Eleison This is a threefold petition to God for mercy: "Lord have mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon us, Lord have mercy upon us." These three petitions addressed to different Persons of the Trinity are generally said, each one three times.
Litany This is a beautiful series of petitions offered unto God, originally composed to be sung in Procession with great solemnity. The Litany is composed of five parts: (1) The Invocations, addressed to each Person of the Godhead individually and then collectively; (2) the Deprecations, prayers for deliverance from various evils; (3) the Obsecrations, pleas for mercy on account of what Christ has done for us; (4) the Intercessions, prayers for "all sorts and conditions of men" and (5) the Versicles and Prayers.
Lessons Lessons are that portion of Scripture which is read at all services of the Church. Usually there are two lessons in every service, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament in Morning and Evening Prayer and one from the Epistles and the Gospels in Holy Communion.
Magnificat The Magnificat is the song of Mary as recorded in St. Luke 1:46-55 when she found that she was going to be the Mother of Our Saviour. It is one of primary canticles said (or sung) at Evening Prayer.
Nunc Dimittus The Nunc Dimittis is the song that Simeon sung to God after Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the Temple for His Presentation as recorded in St. Luke 2:29-32. It also is one of the primary canticles said (or sung) at Evening Prayer.
Psalter Psalter is another term used to denote the Book of Psalms found in the Old Testament. A portion of the Psalter is always recited at both Morning and Evening Prayer.
Sanctus The Sanctus is the fourth principal part of the Mass. It is a song of praise to God the Holy Trinity and introduces the Prayer of Consecration.
Te Deum The Te Deum is a festival canticle of the Church which lauds and praises God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. It is found in the service of Morning Prayer and is said (or sung) on the great feast days of the Church.